Legal notice

1. Presentation of our website

In accordance with the French law number 2004-2005 (valid since 21st June 2004) for trust in the digital economy, the agency « Business to Web », owner of the site, created this website and makes the information on this website available to the public. Modifications are possible, we therefore invite you to consult our legal notices as often as possible to familiarize yourself with the legal notices frequently.

The website belongs to Grain de Sail SAS, whose head office is located at the following address: 4, route du bas de la rivière, 29600 Morlaix, FRANCE (tel: +33 2 98 62 40 91)
SIRET: 538 866 740 00011 – Share capital: 130.200€ - VAT Number: FR75 538 866 740
The natural or legal person is Jacques BARREAU who is responsible for the publication. His e-mail address is as follows:

The webmaster, the Addviso agency, is responsible for the administration of the site, whose e-mail address is
The website is hosted by Datacampus, whose head office is located at the following address: 35 Rue du Grand Puits - 79230 VOUILLE.

2. General conditions of use of the website and the services offered.

By using our website, you fully and completely accept the general conditions of use specified in our legal notices. Accessible to all types of visitors, it is important to note however, that an interruption for maintenance and/or updates of the website may be decided by Grain de Sail. The dates and times of such interruptions will nevertheless be specified in advance to users.

3. The products or services offered by

In accordance with its communication policy, the website aims to inform users about the services offered by Grain de Sail, which then endeavours to provide precise information on its activity. However, inaccuracies or errors may exist: the company can in no way be held responsible for any error on the website

4. Contractual limitations

The information transcribed on our website is subject to qualitative approaches, in order to ensure its reliability. However, we cannot be held responsible for any technical inaccuracies in our explanations.
If you notice any error concerning information that we may have omitted do not hesitate to notify us by email at

The links directly or indirectly linked to our website are not under the control of our company. Therefore, we cannot ensure the accuracy of the information on these other websites.

The tool JavaScript is used for the functioning of the website The company cannot be held responsible for any material damage linked to the use of JavaScript. This is additionally valid for any other type of consequence linked to the operation of the site, whether direct or indirect (bug, incompatibility, virus, loss of market, etc.).

5. Intellectual property and website content

The editorial content of the website belongs exclusively to Grain de Sail. Any violation of copyright is sanctioned by article L.335-2 of the Intellectual Property Code, with a penalty of 2 years' imprisonment and a fine of € 150.000.

The website cannot be held liable in the event of abusive remarks, of a racist, defamatory or pornographic nature, exchanged on the interactive spaces. The company also reserves the right to remove any content contrary to the values of the company or to the legislation applicable in France.

While browsing the website, the user also accepts the possible installation of cookies on his computer.

6. Personal data and respect for your private life

All information collected on the website is done within the framework of the needs related to the use of our platform, such as the order form or the request for subscription to the Newsletter. In addition, you can unsubscribe from the Newsletter using the link at the bottom of the page. Grain de Sail shall not transfer to third parties information concerning website users in any way (sale, exchange, loan, rental, donation).

In accordance with the French law "Computers and Freedom" of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, the user has the right to access and rectify information concerning him or her. It is a right that the person can exercise at any time by sending a request by post

7. Applicable law and concerning laws

Subject to the laws of France, the website is governed by law number 2004-2005 of June 21, 2004 for trust in the digital economy, article L.335-2 of the Code of Intellectual Property and the law "Computers and Freedom" of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004.